10 Romantic Hiking Ideas: How to Make a Hiking Date Awesome

Choosing to go on a hiking date is a great way to enjoy the beauty of nature, get active, and have a great conversation outdoors. However, you will need to do a little bit of planning to ensure that your romantic adventure is an exciting experience that goes off with a bang and not a whimper. 

This list has all the romantic hiking ideas you need to know to pull off the perfect romantic hiking date, whether it’s your first or second date together or your 20th wedding anniversary.

1. Make sure you look your best (but dress for the environment)

Just because you’re out in the elements and might get a little bit dirty, it doesn’t mean that you can avoid dressing nicely in your hiking gear for the occasion.

Make sure you wear clean and neat clothes on your date and that you’re wearing appropriate hiking boots. If there is a chance of cold weather or rain, bring along enough warm clothes and an umbrella for you both.

It’s also a really good idea to tell your date you are going hiking so they choose appropriate clothing as well.

One large umbrella is a great idea. If it rains, you and your date can get close and snuggly as you try to keep dry.

Your hiking boots must be comfortable to wear on your date, so don’t buy brand new ones you haven’t worn before that are really uncomfortable and give you painful blisters.

romantic hiking ideas, couple wearing the right hiking boots

2. Go at the right time of year

No one wants to go on hiking dates during bad weathering the great outdoors, whether it’s a blizzard, through a swarm of biting insects, or when the thermometer tips over 90° Fahrenheit (32° Celsius). The perfect weather will not only enhance your romantic day, but if you time it right with a stunning sunset or a picnic under the stars, you will have orchestrated the perfect date.

Check the weather, and make sure you bring enough sunscreen and bug spray for both of you to stay comfortable while you are hiking.

3. Choose the perfect hike

The perfect hiking date is one that is not too long (any more than three or four hours is probably pushing it) but gives you at least a couple of hours hiking and then sit down for a rest and a picnic.

Even if your date is a seasoned hiker, choose hiking trails that are easy to navigate and gives you the chance to concentrate on the conversation between the two of you. There’s nothing romantic about keeping your nose in a map and awkward silences to make sure you don’t get lost.

A great tip is to scope out the hiking trail beforehand. Make sure it has plenty of shade, does not have a high grade of difficulty, and there is plenty of signage to show you where you need to be. You can even try to spot an out-of-the-way stream, a waterfall, or a field of wildflowers to take the romance to the next level.

4. Bring a mouth-watering picnic lunch

It doesn’t matter whether your meal is breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the perfect yummy food will go far to make this a romantic hiking date. While you can’t cater a three-course sit-down meal, you can show that you have thought about what your hiking date would enjoy.

Plan ahead and ask your date if they have any dietary requirements. If you want any chance of a second date it’s best if you don’t feed feed them something they’ll have an allergic reaction too.

Here are some tips:

  • If you know, always try to include your date’s favorite options.
  • Granola bars are a great on the go energy boosting treat.
  • Elevate your sandwiches or baguettes with gourmet cheese or marinated vegetables.
  • Include several vintage varieties to spice up your cheese and crackers.
  • Why not use a heart-shaped cutter to give your fruit a cute touch?
  • Bring food that can be fun, like a bunch of grapes, or your favorite lollies from when you were a child.
  • There are few circumstances in the world that are not improved with chocolate. Try to bring your date’s favorite. If it’s a warm day, keep it in a small cool box to make sure it’s as chilled as possible.

Essentially, the key to making the ordinary seem romantic is in the detail. For example, a great idea is to make the cookies yourself to show that you care and are willing to put in the extra effort.

5. Keep hydrated, but do it in style

A water bottle is essential for any hiking dates, whether it is a romantic date or not. But there’s nothing stopping you from spicing things up with one of the following liquid options:

  • A flavored sports drink
  • Hot coffee or tea in a thermos
  • Hot chocolate in a thermos
  • Sparkling water
  • Apple cider
  • Home-made lemonade.
having a warm drink on a romantic hike

6. Get your romance on!

Let your imagination soar and elevate your first date in the romance stakes with an unforgettable activity. Here are some hiking ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

7. Create a romantic playlist

It doesn’t have to be stacked full of romantic ballads, but it does need to show that you have put some thought into it. The key to your hiking date’s heart may well be a playlist of their favorite death metal thrash songs.

8. Find the place for a perfect selfie

Even if you’re not one for posting your life on social media, having a memento of hiking dates is lovely to look back on, especially if the date turns into another.

If you time it right, you can even catch the golden rays of sunrise and sunset. But make sure you practice so that you can pull off the perfect nature picture when it counts.

romantic hiking ideas - taking a selfie

9. Create a romantic scavenger hunt

If you want to go all out, prepare a scavenger hunt the day before. Wrap a series of small presents and place them along the romantic hike so that your date has to hunt for them as you walk. Don’t make it too difficult, though; you don’t want to spend the whole time searching.

10. Things to keep in mind

You’re almost set to plan, create and pull off the perfect romantic hiking date. Keep in mind that there are just a few things to be aware of:

1. This is a hiking date so keep it simple and enjoy nature, your picnic, and each other’s company.

2. Don’t try to bring too much with you. It will just weigh you down and keep you from enjoying yourself. Remember, that if this hiking date is a success, there’s nothing stopping you from going all out on the next one!

3. Check with your date that a hiking is something they are happy to do. There’s no point in forcing someone into a physical activity that they won’t enjoy. You might be better served in cutting your losses and going to dinner and a movie instead.

Most importantly, have a great hiking date and lots of fun!

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